Friday, October 5, 2007

Ten things to think about while enjoying your next meal

Listed below are ten things to think about while enjoying your next meal.

10. Many thousands of innocent people are sitting in U.S. prisons because other people don't do anything about it. Some would rather ruin many lives than have to even look at someone who is different from them in very minor ways.

9. What do the Earth and Pamela Anderson have in common? Both used to be flat, now they are big and round.

8. If Hillary Clinton gets elected for two terms we'll have had 28 straight years of bush in the oval office.

7. Being high isn't the crime, possession and distribution is. That alone should tell you the profit motivation behind the War on Drugs.

6. If you are a Muslim, Christian or Jew-hater, do you realize that you are a main part the problem?

5. Ever heard of Deism?

4. Prescription pill addiction is the #1 drug problem in the United States of America. Combine that fact with #7 above and double the fun.

3. If you think God is cool, just imagine how cool whatever created God could be.

2. As a youngster, was it your dream to be a wage slave and property of the State when you grew up?

1. I'm just like you, except different.
Photo: PBS

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